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Shikina-en Garden
Experience Ryukyu atmosphere at this circuit-style garden filled with nature
Naha > Maaji
20% off the admission fee
Tamaudoun Site
A massive mausoleum that offers a glimpse at the history of the Ryukyu Dynasty period
Naha > Shurikinjyocho
20% off the admission fee
Enjoy underwater sightseeing and cruising at a leisurely pace
Naha > Naha
(1) 1 drink for those traveling aboard the restaurant ship Moby Dick
(2) Orca underwater sightseeing ship fare: Adult (age 13 and up) \3,000 -> \2500, child \1500 -> \1,200
*Not usable with other services
Syuri Horikawa
首里 ほりかわ
Dine on additive-free Okinawan soba in the old capital of Shuri
Naha > Shurimawashicho
(1) 1 shequasar (citrus) juice with Okinawan soba order (2) 1 jimami-dofu (peanut tofu) with set meal order
(1)沖縄そばご注文の方にシークヮーサージュース1杯提供 (2)セットご注文の方にジーマーミー豆腐1つ提供
Buta Horumon Sumibiyaki Buya
豚ホルモン炭火焼 ぶうや
A restaurant featuring char-grilled pork horumon
Naha > Izumizaki
(1) 1 serving of awamori or 1 plate of mimiga (pork ear skin) with meal purchase *1 per group, excluding lunchtime
(2) Exclusive Chura Navi Agu pork course meal \3,240 per person (minimum 2 persons)
●A Set: 3 kinds of char-grilled Agu pork and 3 kinds of Agu pork horumon (offal) or B Set: Agu pork indulgence set (shoulder roast, arm, leg, belly)
●Agu pork gyoza ●3 local Okinawan specialties (shima rakkyo (Okinawa shallots), tofuyo (fermented tofu), umi budo (sea grapes), etc.) ●Rice ●1 Orion draft beer, awamori and water, or soft drink ●Dessert
*The offers above cannot be used in conjunction with each other
"(1)お食事の方に泡盛一合or ミミガー1皿提供 ※1グループにつき1つ、ランチタイムを除く
(2)ちゅらナビ限定あぐー食べづくしコース お1人様 3,240円(お2人様より受付)
●Aセット:あぐー炭火焼3種盛&あぐーホル モン3種盛 または Bセット:あぐー大満足セット4種(肩ロース、うで、もも、バラ)
●あぐーぎょうざ●沖縄名物3種盛(島らっきょう、とうふよう、海ぶどうなど)●ごはん ●オリオン生ビール、泡盛水割り、ソフトドリンクの中から1杯 ●デザート
Teianda Noodle Restaurant
麺処 てぃあんだー
Two select types of house brand handmade noodles
Naha > Ameku
1 free drink with soba order
Nadai Sobadoko Minosaku (Soba Restaurant)
名代蕎麦処 美濃作
Savor local Okinawan Gettou soba
Naha > Kumoji
5% off lunch meals of \1,000 or more, and dinner meals of \2,000 or more
T Galleria Okinawa by DFS
Tギャラリア 沖縄 by DFS
Shop for international brand items at duty-free prices
Naha > Omoromachi
Small gift and entry into monthly prize drawing for 1 of 5 Godiva chocolate assortments with purchase of \5,000 or more *1 entry into drawing per person
Happy Island Gift
Original DFS gift with purchase of \5,000 or more to those whose birthday falls upon the prize drawing day (identification must be provided)
商品5000円以上ご購入の方にプチギフトプレゼント&抽選にて毎月5名様に「GODIVA(ゴディバ)チョコレート詰め合わせ」プレゼント ※抽選はお1人様1回のみ
商品5000円以上ご購入で、抽選当日がお誕生日の方にDFSオリジナルギフトプレゼント  要証明書提示
Ryukyu Piras Ukishima Street Shop
琉球ぴらす 浮島通り店
Wear traditional culture with style
Naha > Matsuo
Postcard gift with purchase of \2,000 or more
Marine House Seasir Naha - Day Tour
マリンハウス シーサー那覇店
Experience the feeling of floating in the sparkling sea together with the friendly staff
Naha > Naha
(1) Exciting diving day tour in Kerama Island normally \11,340 per person (age 10 and up) -> \10,000
(2) Snorkeling day tour in Kerama Island with marine life guide normally Adult (age 13 and up): \8,100 -> \7,000 Child (age 6 to 12): \7,020 -> \6,000
(1)ワクワクドキドキ ケラマ日帰り体験ダイビングツアーお1人様(10歳以上)通常11340円→10000円
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