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Kushiro / Teshikaga / Rausu / Utoro / Memanbetsu Airport  >  Kushiro

Robata Renga

Enjoy exquisitely fresh seafood from the harbor town of Kushiro grilled robatayaki-style over charcoal before your eyes.
Here you can grill seafood straight from the ocean over a charcoal grill right in front of you. This simple cooking style preserves the original flavors of the ingredients.
Happirka Value Set
\4000 equivalent → \3000 (including tax) (2 Akkeshi oysters, 1 scallop, select grilled fish, small side dish, salmon roe gunkan sushi tasting set, three varieties of sashimi on a platter).
ハピリカ得々セット 4000円相当⇒3000円(税込)(厚岸産牡蠣2個、ほたて1枚、おすすめの焼き魚、小鉢、味比べいくら軍艦、刺身3品盛り合わせ)